The N.T.U.A. Chemical Engineering Computer Center (CECC), through its High Performance Computing (HPC) resources, supports scientific research in the School of Chemical Engineering and in collaborating parties inside and outside N.T.U.A.

HPC is a key enabling tool to cope with the complications associated with the challenging engineering problems of our times, ranging from environmental protection, weather prediction and energy utilization to advanced materials design and fabrication, novel process design and optimization, nanotechnology and bioengineering.

The HPC facilities are available to faculty, students and staff researchers. They are also used for implementing training courses on state-of-the-art computing, such as parallel processing on powerful clusters of multiple CPUs and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). The CECC staff provides special training to the students in connection with their Diploma and Doctoral Theses work and develops in house software to support research projects.

Hybrid (MPI/GPU) computing
Pegasus - 16 node
computational cluster
HPC@chemengNTUA HPC@chemengNTUA HPC@chemengNTUA HPC@chemengNTUA